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Comments (5)

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Anyone have any experience with this company and their products? Their jig is $$$ for someone I haven't been able to find reviews on.

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I recently acquired one of their jigs. I haven't used it to machine a lower but I can see already it will not work with all lowers as is claimed. I could not get the round piece that threads into the receiver (in lieu of the buffer tube) to thread into at least three of the lower brands I own. Now it could be argued that is a problem with those lowers but regardless it won't work with them. Do you know what brand of lower you want to use?

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I can't edit the above comment but I wanted to say I received a new buffer support piece from Modulus Arms and it does thread into the EP Armory polymer (gen1 and gen2) and aluminum lowers as well as the Polymer80 (also sold by Ares Armor) polymer lower. I also checked it in all of the other lowers I have and it threaded into them as well.

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Beware of any reviews you do find. They've been busted here and on other web forums creating shill accounts to post positive reviews of their own products. Even three of the five up votes on this listing is them under different accounts.

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