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Comments (14)

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These guys finally dropped their price after skimming all they could. I wouldn't buy from them at half price. They made their bed, and people should make them lie in it.

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if this is what you call dropping their prices you don't know where to buy ammo. Their prices are still absurd.

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Yes but this is half what they were charging, and yep, still ripping people off.

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Just like Cheaper than dirt - these people are dead to me lol. I would not buy from them again if I was completely out of ammo ever. I agree, they made their bed now lie in it. Lastly, this is not a deal. Way overpriced

CTD already got most of its customer base back, spineless people I tell ya :)

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I purchased a gun for a decent price from CDT before this mess, and now I am sorry I did. Never again. I will make myself a sling before I buy ammo or anything else from them.

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what are you basing that comment on? I have not spent a penny on them since the hysteria and know quite a few like myself who never will again.

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ammotogo off my list like ctd

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Just got 5

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Eek you overpaid

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Running dry

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try walmart, I got 600 rounds last week for about $140

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No you didn't. I don't believe you at all. And let's assume that all of your "I just bought xxx rounds at walmart for xxx dollars" were true then again I ask why are you here? You should have tens of thousands of rounds stored up right?

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lol crackhead....I can't figure out if you don't want people to know how easy it is to get ammo for less or if you are just some stupid ass troll...either way you fail at life. I could care less what you believe.

I am here because despite all of the bad deals there are still plenty of good ones and this site has helped me save money.

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