Today Page - New Deals Only Filter

We expanded our filter list on Today's page with New Deals Only filter.

By turning on "new deals only" filter on Today's Page, in the first section we will be listing only the following:
- Newly posted deals in the last 24 hours,
- Deals that are back in stock (that have previously been out of stock at least 7 days)
- Deals with the price drop in the last 24 hours

- Bumped deals with no changes will be shown in the "Old Deals Updated" section, at the bottom of the Today's page (below new deals)

You can check it out on this link.
We hope you like our new filter option and that we'll be easier for you to find new deals.
You can turn on or off the "New Deals only Filter" on Today's page menu, mobile users need to open the sort menu to activate this feature.