


Bead Blasted
For the .223 / 5.56
1/2 x 28 TPI
Comes with a crush washer
2.8 ounces
2.28 inches
Stainless Steel
Made in America

Comments (40)

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Look, I'm all for a common sense firearm, but this is just outrageous. This is only intended to invoke fear in people, and that is where the line should be drawn for gun ownership. If it is used to intimidate, it should not be allowed to be owned by every day people. That's common sense stuff.

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It is intended to have looks that the owner would like. You want to draw lines in gun ownership based on 'looks'. Sounds like something Hillary would approve of.

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Sounds kinda like screaming "fake news" every time you're confronted with a reality that displeases you? Huh, sounds like someone famous ;)

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My bride has one just like that in her bedside night stand.

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Thumbs down for beating me to the dildo jokes. Clearly paid comment-er.

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Wow, your wife's vagina must look like ground beef if her nightstand toy looks like the "Flesh Ripper"

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Wasn't this destroyed when the hobbits threw the ring into the volcano?

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Why is this not ok but a lantac dragon is? If it performs as a break and flash suppressor what's the problem. If it does not then sure.... mall ninja. I would be willing to bet no one here has tried it so its hard for me to get on board with all the hate. That being said, the post title is defiantly mall ninja.

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thats how it is brother... all the label whores love to hate on new companies...

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When the 'new company' copies and pastes a product's name and description in an ad of a item they copy and the blatantly rip off the exact design of production the "hate" might be warranted. That doesn't sound familiar does it there Cobra?''

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dont be a debbie downer ... no one likes a debbie downer

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No one likes a bootlegger or thief either. Don't be a bootlegger or thief.

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i agree

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This is about as useful as the "tire deflator" muzzle brake....typical scuba ninja gear.

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3 votes

Perfect accessories for my ar pistol with rifle scope, tac light, bipod, and drum mag. This will really complete my tactical cqb / long range build.

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Not only is this product F*CKING STUPID but it is also irresponsible as hell and makes us look like the nutbags that the anti-gun left paints us as.

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You're the type of person in the gun community that we are disgusted with because you actually give a fuck what anti gunners think ...Fuck them weak ass morons and if you wanna please them so bad go sell your guns .

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You're the type of person in the gun community who can't see they are the reason the rest of the gun community is viewed as a bunch of nut jobs. For example, there are many of us who are ready to be part of a "militia" if need be (but we aren't hoping for it either) but the stupid fucks praying for an armed conflict waving around Nazi flags screaming that they are part of the same group hurt the cause. That's please sell your guns as we do not need your kind of "help."

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I would never touch a Nazi flag or Confederate flag either ...Let the anti gunners think whatever they want ... IDGAF about anyone who is anti 2A ..and u shouldn't either. If ppl want this for their gun then go for it , I don't but shit all power to them

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Easy man dont hate on the Confederate flag. Its a heritage thing not a hate thing. Nothin wrong with some southern pride.

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Not sure why some people can't understand this. Just like those Confederate statues. They have been up for 50-100 years, but all the sudden, many people say they are a racist symbol. I believe they still can't believe that Hillary lost, so they are finding everything they can to hurt President Trump. Next thing you know they will want to remove President Washington from the $1 and MT Rushmore and replace it with Obama or 'President' Hillary Clinton's likeness...

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Are you really suggesting the confederate flag / statue thing is new?!? You must live in Canada or something. Here in the south this is a constant argument. Remember that kid who went into the black church and murdered 9 innocent people? His facebook page was full of that stuff sparking a big debate most recently. This is a YEARLY thing since….the civil war.

So let me get this right; your theory is this current debate is based on the fact Hillary lost almost a year ago and not the huge violent rally that happened just a few weeks back?!? Wow, you are playing the poor little mistreated conservative card really far….

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To me the 'I don't care what the other guy thinks' is not helpful but harmful for the second amendment as it leaves silence and misunderstanding for a person near the ‘center’ who could be converted. These people might simply not understand a topic well enough to make a good decision but they still carry power via their vote. Note: this must be a civil discussion, not two people yelling at the other. Suppressors for example; many people (including some gun owners) are labeled "anti gun" being are led to believe by TV shows and movies that a suppressor makes a gun almost silent but we all know that is far from the case. I probably would be against a suppressor as well if you could walk into a library and kill 10 people with just a “pew pew pew” coming from the bullet flying through the air and the entire building would be none the wiser.

We need less ‘fuck the other guy,' less throwing around insults / labels, and fabricating imaginary situations plotted by people we haven't even met and probably do not exist (see below post)…..maybe that is why the other guy doesn’t like us to begin with being we already hate him.

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I am not sure what the Confederate flag has to do with guns or anti-gunners. Have you felt this way all your life, or just the last few months President Trump has been in office? Because, like the Liberals, this was rarely an issue when Obama was in office, or even when President George W. Bush was in office. All the sudden everyone is acting all stupid wanting to knock down statues and run over protesters. What is next? Removing President Washington from the $1 and removing his likeness from Mt. Rushmore (along with President Jackson's) because they were slave owners? Removing the CSA Battleflag from the MS state flag? Making the Confederate flag illegal to own as well as placing a tax on all white people for the sins (the legal ownership of slaves) of their ancestors long gone from this world? This could go on and on until there is not one statue or monument left in this country. Because there is always someone who will be offended by something. And when all is done, our country will look like Iraq. All history erased. And guess what! Some whites will still hate blacks and some blacks will still hate whites. Just as it has always been. It will have changed NOTHING. The Democratic party must be really ashamed that their party has acted so horribly irresponsible the 150+ years. And now they want to try to 'fix it'?

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You clearly didn't read the response...he brought up flags not me

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Totally agree with you. The only good thing about these is the people that are dumb enough to buy and use it... their barrels will probably blow up in their faces... when they jam it full of crap...

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madmortarman-Right? And these morons wonder why they send their gun in for repair every 6 months putting shit like this on their rifle and shotgun. Then they have to use cheap ammo and inferior made reloads because they have no money to buy fresh ammo. It is like buying a spoiler for a car that tops out at 104MPH. Pretty much pointless...

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I can tell you shoot a lot of paper. Look up CQB and open your mind and shut you mouth.

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LMAO@ the little gamer boy who actually thinks something this stupid would be useful for CQB. This is what watching too many action movies and playing too many video games does to your developing brain, kid.

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Exactly! He has already called me out...TWICE for a fight, he wouldn't win (easy to do behind that computer monitor). But the moron would NEVER give out his real address. And his mother wouldn't let me in the house in the first place...well, maybe she would ;) ...And he calls ME a keyboard warrior!!! Like I said, that moron spends more time on his XBOX and this site then his does actually holding his daddy's unloaded Army 1911.

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As opposed to....?? What steel? Anyone who ever watch a modern war movie knows what CQB is. By your comment I'm assuming you're a combat vet. Hey me too. Doesn't give us the right to be dick bags. Besides, you were probably some POG...

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The only combat that DOGSHIT1 was ever in was over when he hit the OFF button on his XBOX. He just has to mouth off.

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DOGSHIT1-I can tell you play a lot of Gears of War...or been watching too much of The Walking Dead.

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Still can't keep out of arguments, huh? I am sure this is my fault too.....

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He has no life. Just a little bitch.

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DOGSHIT1-The one who comes on here and threatens to Kick everyone's ass who REFUSES to give his real address...And he calls others a 'little bitch'. HA HA HA! Get back to your XBOX, son! You BB is waiting for another match!

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If you were a real man you would provide your address to bigdog1...unless you are scared of a 'xbox playing kid. '

P.S. I am revealing in your constant arguments with half of

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Perfect accessories to get that genuine mall ninja look for your AR.

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DOGSHIT1...Do you have to downvote everyone who hates you? No friends....except for those XBOX friends, huh?

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Lmfao these arguments are amazing. We go from a useless piece of junk that's not worth the scrap metal it's made from to all kinds of shit. Thanks for making slick guns great again

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