
Comments (5)

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I have a s&w sd9 ve it is design after the Glock can I use it in this tool

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Fuck the atf

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Off the website

Disclaimer : If you own a host pistol and install this product, your pistol will become a short-barreled rifle. You must first register your pistol with the ATFE using ATFE Form 1.

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Having been at a range watching a young military guy break out a SBR AR, then listening to the range master ask how long did it take to get the stamp? The blank look, What stamp? He got a quick lesson in ATF sense of humor about such things and told never bring it back till he had a stamp. This range host a number of local PD, federal agencies and even a number of manufacturers so very easy to run into someone who might inquire officially vice give good advice.

It does not have to be installed, just having both in your possession is enough to be charged.
"However, the Court also explained that an NFA firearm is made if aggregated parts are in
close proximity such that they: (a) serve no useful purpose other than to make an NFA
firearm (e.g., a receiver, an attachable shoulder stock, and a short barrel); or (b) convert a
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complete weapon into an NFA firearm (e.g., a pistol and attachable shoulder stock, or a
long-barreled rifle and attachable short barrel). "

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SWEET, so if I order it while owning a G17, once it shows up at my doorstep without submitting my Form 1 7 months ago I own an illegal SBR, what a deal!!!

Maybe a tiny little NFA disclaimer might be nice. Not everyone understands constructive intent. Even if they are not together if they are co-located it's just as illegal as together.

The acts prohibited by the NFA and prosecutable as Federal offenses are listed in 26
U.S.C. 5861(a) through (l). As provided by 26 U.S.C. 5871, any person who commits an offense shall,
upon conviction, be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 10 years or fined. Although the fine
specified in the statute is an amount not exceeding $10,000, an amendment to Federal law provides for a
fine of not more than $250,000 in the case of an individual or $500,000 in the case of an organization.224
15.1.2 Forfeiture. Any firearm involved in any violation of the NFA is subject to seizure and forfeiture.

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