
King Obama bypasses congress, all legitimate legal channels, and creates new gun laws via executive fiat.

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My wife, up until today that is, thought my gun collection was ridiculous. She thought my ammo stock pile was insane (and she's a shooter too). So she says to me today "I now see your point about it all being an investment". For those of us that have a wife that haven't yet seen the point of it all, this was a pretty significant change in tune. So of course I took that opportunity to let her know my 7th gun safe is on its way and didn't cost us a thing (I.e., Friday morning I bought over 1000 shares of S&W & Sturm/Ruger stock, expecting once King Camel Jockey to drop the ball today that pretty much all publicly traded gun manufactures stock would jump. I sold off all 1000 shares this afternoon and it was a good day). Not only is Obama the best gun salesman, ever, but he is the most predictable fool to ever disgrace the presidency. Why get bent out of shape about Obama's cry baby bullshit when you can turn it to your advantage. I fucking love Capitalism!!

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OMG. I voted up instead of down. Just to make things clear, "OBAMA SUCKS".
He should be arrested.

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How about "We the people", but that might be racist (:

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Seize your guns for 21 days. If a person is considered "at risk" why would they tell the person prior to showing up? Do you like dead cops? Do swat teams send letters prior to drug raids? If a person has been declared insane / arrested for domestic violence / suspected of terrorist connections do you want them armed or would you prefer a TEMPORARY method of (attempting) to lesson their threat level without doing something more drastic like locking them up?

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Do you expect me to believe that someone who doesn't know the difference between lesson and lessen knows what he is talking about? STFU.

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Oh no a typo via a tablet....that could never happen. Oh how you just proved me wrong Mr. Grammar Nazi. Wow, now actually argue your point or GTFO (your mom's basement). Crickets....

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"you people", i'm offended (:

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The facts are pretty clear, if you eliminate the areas with the strictest gun control (or over the majority of their history have had the strictest gun control) LA, Oakland, DC, NYC, Chicago then US is actually one of the more peaceful nations relevant to gun related crimes.

Something I found quickly:
Overall number of gun murders for 2009-2010

1. Los Angeles.......................1,141

2. Chicago..............................1,139

3. New York.............................1,101

4. Philadelphia...........................729

5. Houston..................................701

6. Detroit.....................................686

7. Miami.......................................594

8. Dallas......................................469

9. Washington.............................440

10. San Francisco......................439

How ludicrous it is to think disarming law abiding citizens or restricting their access to firearms (IE Gun free zones, conceal carry restrictions) will somehow curb violent crime perpetuated by outlaws who by definition have no respect for the law.

Oh yeah, and with God-King Obama and his administration with brain children Eric Holder (former) and Loretta Lynch (say something bad about Islam, you go to jail) instituting and building upon policies like Project Gun Runner LITERALLY arming the dregs of North American society, you're going to need everything you can get your hands on if you give a shit about you or your family.

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Oh and anyone claiming "haha, ya paranoid retards they aren't going to come confiscate your guns LOL!!"

TLDR: If someone can convince a judge (without a jury mind you) that you're a threat to yourself or anyone else, the judge can legally enter your personal residence and seize your firearms.

GG Freedom, you had a good run.

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You people are so cute. There are NO NEW LAWS and the goal (however unrealistic) is enhanced enforcement of existing laws. No gun grab. BTW isn't it funny people get mad at trying to close the 'gun show loophole' while they also claim "there is no loophole?" I hear Bigfoot hunting season is also being shortened....OH THE TYRANNY!!!

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Of course there are no “new laws,” since by definition the Prez has no authority to write laws. What he IS trying to do is to use EO’s to redefine existing statute. For example, Title 18 U.S.C. Section 921 clearly defines who is a “dealer” under Federal law; but this EO would arbitrarily expand that definition (in a way never intended) to be whatever Loretta Lynch and Islamist operative Valerie Jarrett say it is using their “holistic,” moving-target definition. It’s death (of the Republic) by 1,000 paper cuts.

So, tell us--if this is no big deal and we’re all just a “cute” bunch of rubes--just when DO you start worrying about the erosion of the rule of law?

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So Obama is expanding "dealer" to include what beyond the current legal understanding? According to the ATF the term “dealer” is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(11)(A) to include any “person engaged in the business of selling firearms at wholesale or retail.” Did Obama suddenly change that within the English language? Do you disagree? You are imagining he is making Care Bears and pasta salad out of the new definition and basing your option off your own paranoia. How can you judge the actions of another person based on your own wild imagination? I imagine you hump should I get you arrested for crimes against nature or wait until you are actually proved to fuck them? ‘Death by paper cuts’ and "erosion" of the goat’s backside simply because I saw you drove by the petting zoo in my own nightmares? That is your burden of proof….thank God the United States has a little greater standard before someone is guilty of a crime.

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So nothing there, why is Obama and the media all jazzed up about it. Are you saying the great one is putting on a show? That's umpossible.

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The media is putting on a show so all the chicken littles run to their websites / promote it on Facebook / make YouTube videos citing these “new gun laws” (which aren’t new) for the purpose of driving up ratings. Obama is doing like any other president before did and make speeches / offering half measures that anger some, appease a few, and do very little in reality. Welcome to the USA.

You must be fresh off the boat ;)

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Oh, so it is like Obamacare. If I like my doctor, I can keep my doctor and I will save $2,500 per year too.

Who just fell off the boat?

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You since you seem disappointed a politician’s promise fell through.

Hate to break it to you however unless you are one of these ‘imagery’ gunshow loophole people your guns aren’t going to be taken (theirs won’t either but they might have to buck up and pay taxes). If you want proof of how anti-gun the US market (not the chicken littles) see our current administration please look at the current prices of those evil assault weapons. My guess is a 10-20 year low if you factor in inflation.

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Power grabs all start somewhere. Let's just agree that Obama is an exceptional liar and I don't trust him as far as I could throw his wife.

Regarding the cost of assault wepons (whatever those are), I can't argue with you that Obama is the best gun salesman the world has ever known. Volume always causes lower prices, simple economics.

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Regarding the "Gun grab starting" - it has been ongoing at the same level since the nation was founded if you listen to vocal minority. Every time it doesn't happen they just move on to a new 'starting point.'

If Obama was indeed trying to get guns out of American hands why has he allowed record gun sales for the last umpteen years? We all know he has the power to magically take our guns and declare martial and throw us all in reeducation camps. Why the heck hadn't he done it yet? Is this some type of reverse physiology? Clinton and Carter also did the same thing. When is this around the corner doomsday going to start? Please tell me because everyone else has been wrong up to this point.

In all seriousness; if the AM radio / blog camp wasn't the main voice in gun rights we might stand a better chance of getting what we are promised by the constitution but instead we have people falsely claiming guns are bring rounded up in California and Obama just made a bunch of new "laws" because someone didn't pass third grade Civics class.

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Your opinion has many valid points.

Over the past seven years I have learned a simple maxim.

If Obama is for it, I am against it and if Obama is against it, then I am for it. It's just that simple.

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Obama has given us no reason to trust him. That is why every thing he does is suspect. Sort of like the Affordable Care Act. HE will decide what the law means to him. Kind of like the people he put on the Supreme Court. The ones that are saying that the penalty for not signing up for Obama care was a tax. Not a penalty. BS. After and before the ruling everyone called it a penalty. Even the main news characters. Yes, trust me I am from the government. Lets not forget how many times he has lied. How could you trust him?

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Don't worry about staying on topic to all the "new laws" that Obama crapped out of his breeches we will just change the subject at hand to Obamacare. That is like you bringing up operation desert storm and me saying "read my new taxes" therefore desert storm is a lie....

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I will type very slowly where you can keep up. It is a trust issue. I used that word three time. Can you count? Obama care was an example of why he can't be trusted. Do you know what an example is? If I said rude people, I could use you as an example. Did that help you any?

Answer me this. With a yes or no. Do you trust him?

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The fact that you can or cannot personally trust a person does not add or subtract from their trustworthiness. Your ability to count to three is quite impressive though. You cite an example where Obama disappointed you. I cited an example where Bush Sr flat out do you believe Desert Storm was a "lie?" By your logic one lie makes all other claims by the same person completely false. Please speak slowly....

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Yes or no? Surely some one of your caliber can answer such a simple question. Are you afraid too.?

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Do I trust any There a politician running right now you do trust? Please make sure you pick one that has not been caught dead to rights in a lie.

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So you do understand the trust issue. You could of saved a lot of time and BS by at LEAST trying to understand what I was saying. Instead you play these stupid word games like Obama talking to his people. But, you are entitled to your opinion, and you must me able to express them. Some times it is the delivery that stops people from seeing that, and agreeing. You are way to smart to be wasting your time. I wish you would work for some of the pro gun groups. Sorry if I came across rude at times. I am very pro gun. I'm going to stop wasting my time and move on. It's all yours now.

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Sad day in the history of the United States. I'm sure that hardened violent criminals are going to abide by these new laws, just as they abide by any/all laws. I can see these people lining up at gun collection points and turning in their illegal weapons by the dozen. Constitution takes another hit.

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What "new" laws did Obama write? Where are these "Gun collection points?" Please tell me. Please show me what a dumb ass I truly am.

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Are you being paid by the word, or by the post?

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I am paid by stupid replies from people who can’t back up their own wild claims. I got a double payout based on your last post.

All I ask is WHAT NEW LAWS WERE PASSED WITHIN THE LAST WEEK. How hard is that?!? You all get so mad at things that NEVER FREAKING HAPPENED. Lord.....did your parents do meth while you were a bun in the oven?

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"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.

Adolf hitler, mein Kampf

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Hitler didn't write that. Rabbi Daniel Lapin wrote it in his fictional letter of Hitler corresponding with one of his Nazi leaders, Julius Streicher.

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Don't quote facts...they will call you a "liberal" and disregard anything else you say. Stupid freaking facts......

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LOL. You're fighting this on the wrong forum! I think it would be so interesting to see the demographics of the users here.

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I could not care less about the demographics as that does not make someone right or wrong. I personally am interested in these "new laws" everyone is crying like little girls about that DO NOT EXIST. Maybe the demographics are important; full grown men who can read vs little whiney school children who spread gossip ;)

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Dracoian dictatorship at its worst. Brainless bullshit, especially going after NFA trusts. This will do nothing to keep America "safe"

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I wonder when the last time an act of violence was committed with a legally owned NFA item was? Especially, a NFA item purchased with a trust!

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Anyone who would spend the time and / or money to invest in a NFA trust would not let a shady person touch their firearms with a 200 foot pole.

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Don't you just love it when an idiot comes up with a plan that lacks any common sense or actual purpose, other than to infringe on ones rights!

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